Corinne Cahen presented the analysis on the needs of municipal consultative commissions for integration

Between July 19th and July 21st, the Minister for Family Affairs and Integration, Corinne Cahen, visited Bonnevoie, Wasserbillig, Ettelbrück and Zolwer to present the findings and recommendations of a study on the structure and needs of municipal consultative commissions for integration (CCCI). 


    Presentation of the study at the 'Däichhal' in Ettelbruck

    Presentation of the study on the needs and functioning of the CCIC in Wasserbillig

    Anne Daems, head of the Municipalities team at the Department of Integration, and Minister for Family and Integration Corinne Cahen in Wasserbillig

    Anne Daems, head of the Municipalities team at the Department of Integration and the Minister for Family and Integration, Corinne Cahen in Soleuvre

This study, launched in 2020 by the Ministry's Integration Department,included two parts:

The first part consisted of an online survey inviting all CCCI members to share their opinions. The study analysed the functioning and composition of the CCCIs in the 67 participating Luxembourg municipalities in terms of the function held by the members within the CCCIs as well asthe fulfilment of the tasks defined in the Grand-Ducal Regulation on the CCCIs or the communication and organised activities.  In total 439 people took part in this survey.

For the second part, external experts conducted qualitative interviews with members of about thirty CCCIs, selected according to geographical representativeness. These interviews provided an opportunity to elaborate on certain issues that were introduced during the quantitative phase and to stimulate a focus group discussion in six of the thirty communities on the Commission's tasks and functioning.

The analysis of the two phases resulted in more than twenty observations, followed by seven recommendations, a selection of which was presented by the Minister for Family Affairs and Integration, Corinne Cahen, to the 118 people present during one of the four presentations. The recommendations include, for instance, updating the Grand-Ducal Regulation, supporting municipalities with integration officers, providing an online translation tool for CCCI publications, and introducing a uniform model welcome guide. On this occasion, the Minister also presented projects that are currently being implemented by the Department for Integration and that partly or fully correspond to the recommendations of this report.

"Thanks to the invaluable feedback and the numerous recommendations resulting from study, we are now well equipped to draft a legislative text that will allow the members of these commissions to best implement their commitment in favour of a “Living Together” in their municipalities," Corinne Cahen said during her presentation at the Bonnevoie Cultural Centre.

The analysis on the structure and needs of the municipal consultative commissions for integration can be found here.

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