High Council of Disabled People (CSPH)

©Mfamigr The new members of the CSPH with minister Max Hahn

The High Council for People with Disabilities (HCPD) is an advisory body of the Ministry for Family, Integration and the Greater Region.


Its mission is to

  • assist and advise the minister responsible for disability in his work of coordinating government policy in favour of people with disabilities;
  • bring together the partners involved, namely people with disabilities, professionals in the sector and members of the government;
  • advise on any draft law or regulation that has a direct or indirect impact on the field of disability;
  • study all questions submitted to it as well as all subjects it considers useful.

Organisation and functioning

The High Council for the Disabled is composed of 11 members, including

  • five representatives of people with disabilities or their families for those who cannot represent themselves;
  • four representatives of managing associations offering services to people with disabilities
  • one staff member of the National Information and Meeting Centre for Disability;
  • a delegate of the minister responsible for disability policy.

The Council meets as often as required for the expeditious handling of business and at least four times a year.

Last update