List of actions against racism

Here is a series of initiatives, studies, conferences, and training programs related to racism and ethno-racial discrimination in Luxembourg. These promising practices in combating racism and racial discrimination have been implemented as part of the National Action Plans against Racism (NAPAR).

Below is a brief description of each element:


Studies and research

  • Study on racism and ethno-racial discrimination: This study examines racism and ethno-racial discrimination in Luxembourg.

  • Qualitative Study: Gathering the experiences of victims of racism and ethno-racial discrimination: This qualitative study aims to collect and analyze the experiences and stories of individuals who have been victims of racism and ethno-racial discrimination.


Conferences and events

  • Series of conferences  "Us and others" - from stereotypes to racism: This series of conferences focuses on the topic of racism and ethno-racial discrimination in Luxembourg, exploring the progression from stereotypes to racism.

Watch the conference series here

  • Week against discriminations: This initiative involves organizing a week dedicated to raising awareness about discrimination. The dates provided indicate the timeframe for the event.

  • Visible: This Instagram account, named "Ally Book Club," likely raises awareness and provides resources on topics related to racism and discrimination..

The "Visible" project as part of PAN 2021

  • Dialogue instead of Hate: This project, called "Dialog statt Hass" in German, promotes dialogue as an alternative to hate. It aims to foster respectful conversations and understanding among individuals.

Projects - Respect and

The "Dialog statt Hass" project as part of PAN 2020


Exhibitions and museums

  • Exhibition on "Luxembourg's colonial past" at the National Museum for History and Art: This exhibition explores Luxembourg's colonial history, shedding light on the country's involvement in colonialism.

  • Cliché - Society in migration: This initiative, titled "Cliché - Société en migration," likely focuses on challenging stereotypes and promoting understanding in a multicultural society.


Training and education

  • "Diversity and non-discrimination" training: This training program, conducted in French, focuses on promoting diversity and combating discrimination.

  • How to create an inclusive and antiracist library: This training program, conducted in French, aims to guide the creation of inclusive and antiracist libraries in schools.

  • Antirassismus im Bildungs- und Erziehungsbereich (Anti-racism in schooling and education) : This training program, conducted in German, focuses on promoting anti-racism in the field of education.

  • Everyday racism in schools: Recognize and prevent racist micro-aggressions and prejudice: This training program, conducted in French, aims to help educators recognize and address everyday racism, micro-aggressions, and prejudice in school settings.

  • Habe ich Vorurteile? Und wenn ja, wie viele? (Do I have prejudices? And if so, how many? )- Prejudice Reflection Exercise for Teachers: This training program, conducted in German, provides teachers with a reflective exercise to examine their own prejudices.

  • Thinking, speaking, and acting critically of racism: This training program, conducted in German, aims to develop critical thinking skills and promote critical reflection on racism.

  • Intercultural education - police training: This initiative, titled "Education interculturelle" in French, likely focuses on providing police officers with training on intercultural understanding and communication.



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