Social Assistance

The  loi du 18 décembre 2009 (law of 18 December 2009) creates a right to social assistance and is aimed at combating poverty and social exclusion and enabling every person to lead a life in keeping with human dignity.

It is the social office (“Office social”) of the municipality of residence that helps people in financial or social hardships who are entitled to social assistance. The social office can also

  • help with access to legal benefits, financial aid and other material assistance;
  • listen to peoples’ issues and offer assistance in case of social problems;
  • provide social, psychological, budgetary, administrative and educational advice
  • offer specific and adapted information on all existing aid services and benefits in Luxembourg;
  • direct people to other specialised services;
  • provide short-, medium- and long-term social support;
  • provide initial intervention in cases of social emergencies;
  • grant material aid.

Food aid

Social grocery stores give people in precarious situations access to high-quality food and daily use items. There are a dozen social grocery stores throughout the country. They are also places where people can meet and discuss.

Grocery stores are open five days a week and offer items that are two-thirds cheaper on average. To shop in a social grocery shop you need an access card. The card can be requested at the social office of the municipality of residence or other social services. 

Grocery stores are run by Caritas and the Red Cross as well as Den Cent Buttek asbl offer food and hygiene products.

The Banque alimentaire (Food Bank association) collects and redistributes food and other products.

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